Inspired by Lifelong Connections

“I’m so very proud to say I graduated from Birmingham-Southern,” said Doris Ingram ’62. “I know ’Southern’s special, and I always like to make that known to others.”
For 30 consecutive years, Ingram has backed up her high praise of BSC in tangible ways, giving back to BSC each and every year. Several years ago, Ingram started directing her IRA rollover gift to BSC, as a Qualified Charitable Distribution. Those who are 70 1/2 or older can direct up to $100,000 to charitable causes, taking their annual required minimum distribution while avoiding additional income taxes.
Ingram’s decades of giving have helped students in various ways, academic and athletic. She established and supports the Ruby Sherrer Latta Scholarship in honor of her mother, and she supports the Black Tie Club, the booster club for Panther basketball. She also backs the team in the stands.
“My husband Dave and I enjoy basketball.,” she said. “We go and have a nice meal with BSC friends and then enjoy the game together. We even try to travel to two or three away games each year.”
Ingram, who lives in Trussville, can trace her time on the Hilltop back to two years before she became a student. In 1956 – shortly after Ingram’s father passed away – her mother, Ruby Sherrer Latta, moved to campus to work as a house mother. Ingram and her mother lived in a little apartment, and Latta would make sure the dorm was locked up by 10 p.m. on weekdays, midnight on weekends.
“You had to sign out of the dorm in those days,” Ingram said. She laughs remembering the strategies of restless young students. “A lot of folks went to the ‘library’ and then went on to somewhere else. Oh my, how things have changed.”
Ingram’s mother held that job for 15 years.
“She loved all the girls, and the boys, too. She took them under her wing. She was so proud to have been associated with ’Southern. I thought a scholarship was a great way for me and my family to honor her memory and also give assistance to students.”
After graduating from BSC, Ingram went on to work at Alabama Power, where she remained for 40 years; she spent many of those years as assistant to the president. Each time Ingram gives to BSC, her donations (up to $5,000) are matched by Alabama Power. [Many corporations have giving programs in which they match employee gifts to qualifying organizations. To see if your employer offers a match, visit]
Inspired by the lifelong connections she made at BSC, she has remained steadfast in her support. Those many years ago when she first began giving to her alma mater, Ingram started out small.
“As I was able to do more, I did,” she said. “I received a great, well-rounded education at ’Southern and it made me want to help give that same opportunity to someone else.”
For more information about making a Qualified Charitable Distribution gift, call Meredith Wolfe Alsabrook at (205) 226-4977 or email [email protected].
This story was originally published in the Winter 2018 edition of The Bridge, a newsletter for donors and friends of the College.
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