Work Anniversary: Judy Pandelis

By Hannah Scofield
Judy E. Pandelis has worked at Birmingham-Southern College for 30 years, and she’ll celebrate her thirty-first work anniversary on Thursday, August 1. A jack-of-all trades, she’s often the person behind bookkeeping and ticket reservations for theatre events. She hires, trains, and manages anywhere from 10 to more than 20 work-study students, uploads syllabi to Moodle for professors in her departments, manages departmental credit card receipts, and processes work orders, to name a few jobs.
Pandelis’s official job titles are coordinator for the BSC Arts Alliance and office manager for the art, art history, music, and theatre departments and the dance program. She also works as the box office manager for events held within the Hill Music Building and The Underground and Mainstage in the College Theatre.
To celebrate her 31 years, Pandelis answered questions about her time at BSC and her life beyond the Hilltop:
Where’s your office, and how do you decorate it?
I’m located in the James Blaine Hill Music Building in the main office. I have a wind chime I created. When I have the fan going during the warmer months, it jingles and has a calming, Feng Shui effect (reflective mirrors and such). There’s also living plants and a really nice Bob Shelton original on my south wall as well as a small Dorothy Gillespie sculpture on the upper part of my desk. Aside from these, Disney’s Figment banner (a loving lovely gift from co-worker Lucy Victory) and other family pictures, items, and cartoon figurines are spread around. It helps to have creative items and friends in high places, especially the cartoon figurines like the Minions, Charlie Brown, and Miss Kitty, to name a few.
What’s the most rewarding part of your job?
Accomplishing a task, regardless of what it may be. To finish something completely and to serve others to this end is rewarding for me.
Which day of the week is your favorite workday?
I truly don’t have a favorite. Regardless of the workload and all that entails, I enjoy what I do. My main focus is assisting and trying to serve others with the best attitude I can muster. Let’s be honest, all of us have our days, but being here, seeing what the faculty does to reach every student, seeing the students accomplish their goals, and watching them go from here to enrich not only their lives but so many others is a joy. Those with whom I grow close are like family to me. They enrich my life and many times cause me to see beyond where I’ve been and what I can do for myself. I’m terribly blessed to have a job and help accomplish something of value.
What’s your favorite time in the academic year?
Probably the fall. Students are returning, new students are arriving, and I have the opportunity to greet, meet, and learn about them. I’ve had several international students through the years and love to hear about their homes. All the students and some of their parents become my global family. It’s a joy!
What’s the hardest part of your job?
Juggling all the areas, departments, and jobs I have. One thing runs into another. One person expects you to stop all you’re doing to assist them when you’re in the middle of helping four other people. It can be overwhelming, but, thus far, I’ve managed.
Do you prefer to answer the phone or write emails in your work?
I prefer to speak on the telephone. There’s something about speaking with someone, hearing the inflection of their voice, catching a smile (you can really tell if you listen closely), and feeling more connected. Social media outlets we have today are extremely important, but you can’t replace the “original” social media: person-to-person, preferably face-to-face, communication. We all miss out on knowing who we are, what we have in common, and how that all connects when we only text or type.
What do you do when you’re out of the office?
There’s a children’s book I wrote many years ago titled “Bloomin’ Harmony.” I enjoy writing but have turned more to making jewelry instead. I find more creativity in creating jewelry.
What have been some of your favorite moments at BSC?
My very favorite moment was when my son James Pandelis ’09 graduated with a degree in music composition. He continues to use his degree when composing music for the online video games he designs. I have to put a plug in here so others can check out his website.
Other than this moment, the College has done so much for so many. I don’t believe many of us take the time to reflect and appreciate what we have here and what we are capable of doing with it.
What is a fun fact about you?
That I’m not sure about. I enjoy driving, and driving across the country is a joy in itself. Meeting people, learning about different cultures within the country in which we live, the good or bad times they’ve had, and the foods they eat — it’s all a journey. There’s so much within what we have here in the states. I would love to travel more, but I hate to fly. So, once they build a bridge either across the Atlantic or Pacific, I’ll be there.
Do you prefer dogs or cats?
Personally, DUCKS. I had one when I was 12, and they truly do bond. My family and I would camp at Wind Creek Park long before it was owned by the state, and the duck would follow me everywhere. It would sleep on my belly at my direction. Great pet.
As to the dogs or cats — either. I once applied to work at the Birmingham Zoo. Upon their call that I was hired, I’d just accepted another job. Animals are fun regardless of dog or cat. I enjoy having and spending time with both.
Do you prefer books or movies?
Definitely movies! My parents purchased a television the year I was born, and that did it for me. I love going to the movies, owning them, and watching them. Discussing them afterwards, depending upon the film, is enjoyable as well.
Is there anything else that you’d like to share?
A large swing in the middle of the academic quad would be nice. Something relaxing and useful. Birdbaths would be nice and fun to have around campus as well.
Hannah Scofield ’19 served as the intern in the BSC Communications Department. She graduated with a degree in English and Media and Film Studies, and she will attend the University of Southern California’s School of Cinematic Arts in the fall. As a student, Hannah served as the editor of student magazine Bagheera, wrote for numerous other campus publications, and worked on film projects within BSC and through Sidewalk Film Festival.
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